Sunday, April 6, 2014

New product released from FG Xpress. NEW SolarStrips made with MARINE PHYTOPLANKTON

FG Xpress
Marine Phytoplanktons are a single cell plant that are the basis of all other life forms on planet earth. 
Phytoplankton in our diet supports us in general mental alertness and improves health and can combat , many health issues.  A list of nutrition available from phytoplankton could go on for pages!  These include Vitamins B12, C and E, magnesium, chlorophyll, potassium, and numerous other vitamins and minerals.
Marine Phytoplankton started life on earth and has apparently been a key to long life and health for sea creatures for over 3.5 billion years.  It is utilized by the worlds largest and longest living animals and fish.  Whales are a great example.  They live between 80-150 years and maintain great strength and endurance throughout their lives.
It is no coincidence that the composition of human plasma is similar to that of seawater.  Our bodies need the micro nutrients and trace elements found in phytoplankton to perform as nature intended.
FG Xpress has created a revolutionary way to deliver these nutrients to the human body.  They have just released a product in a breath strip form packed with he marine phytoplankton.  Absorbs directly into your system!  No pill, no drops, and no mixes.  Simply open it up, put it on your tongue and all of the vitamins and nutrition absorb into your system.

Marine Phytoplankton provides:
Over 90% of the oxygen in the world
higher amounts of omega-3 fatty acid than fish
over 200 types of chlorophyll rich plankton nutrients
over 200 sea vegetables
400 times the energy of any known plant
nearly every trace element of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, co-enzymes, enzymes, and antioxidants needed to survive
a alkaline pH that can help balance a person's pH level
Health Benefits
Cardiovascular Heatlh, Healthy Skin, Reduces Cholesterol, Boosts Immune System, Increases Energy, Stabalizes Blood Sugar, Improves Vision Function, Helps Joint Health, Supports the Liver, Improves Brain Function
FG Xpress is in Pre-Launch.  The PowerStrips and the SolarStrips are the first 2 products released globally to over 190 countries.  We are building a global team with the top leaders in the company including Brad Hager, Dr. Gonzalez, Susan Walsh, Jeff Lessard and Constance Petot.
Connect with me on facebook to find out how you can get in at the top of this prelaunch!
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